Out with the Ooievaar
Voorburg-Leidschendam City Council
In cooperation with:

Ooievaar cardholders*) in the Leidschendam-Voorburg district can win a free day out with the Ooievaar by submitting a slogun in a competition. The winner can take along a member of their family or a friend.

Cardholders of all ages can get acquainted with various art and culture organizations in Leidschendam-Voorburg whererever cardholders have free access or cheap admission rates.
The campaign has so far been a great success.

*) The Ooievaar pass offers low-income residents of The Hague, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk free or cheap admission to a large number of local services and activities.
Art and culture play an important role as part of those services.

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